Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the Health-E platform, developed and maintained by Health-E B.V. (hereinafter referred to as: "Health-E"). By using our platform, we support you in your professional care work. (hereinafter referred to as "Health-E").

Article 1. Applicability


These Terms & Conditions apply to the use of the Health-E platform, which supports the user in its professional care activities, hereinafter referred to as "Platform". By completing the login procedure, you declare that you agree to these terms & conditions (and the privacy provision of Health-E)


Health-E handles the user's (personal) data with care. Health-E will not process the personal data for any other purpose and will never store it longer than necessary. More information about this can be found in the Privacy Statement of Health-E.


Health-E is not a contracting party to the agreement that may be concluded between the users (the healthcare provider and the patient).


Health-E has no control over, and never offers a guarantee for, the quality, suitability, availability, completeness, correctness and/or (il)legality of the care provided. Health-E points out that each user has an independent duty to investigate whether the information shown is correct and whether it meets his/her wishes and/or expectations.


The Platform may contain links to websites of third parties, including healthcare providers. Other cookies and/or privacy statements may apply to the websites of the third parties. The General Terms and Conditions of the healthcare provider in question also apply to the care provided. Health-E is not responsible or liable for the unavailability or inaccuracy of the (content of the) websites of third parties. A link on the website and/or offer to a third party can never be regarded as an endorsement by Health-E of the products and/or services of the third parties.

Article 2. The Account


Every user who wishes to use the Health-E Platform must create an account.


The user must at least meet the following requirements in order to be able to use the Platform

The user must have an account with Health-E;

The user is at least 16 years old;

The user must provide a permanent place of residence or residence in order to be able to use the service;

The user must consent to the use of his/her personal data;

The user is a healthcare provider or patient of one of the affiliated healthcare providers;

The user can be reached by phone or e-mail.


The account can be registered with: (i) a mobile phone number, or (ii) an email address with a password.


The use of the account is strictly personal and the user is not entitled to allow others to use his/her account. You are responsible for protecting your login details and for the data stored.


The use of the account is strictly personal and the user is not entitled to allow others to use his/her account. You are responsible for protecting your login details and for the data stored.


It is not permitted to reproduce or copy files, data and/or materials.

Article 3. Use of the Platform


Health-E grants to the user a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the Platform. At any time, the user can terminate the account, after which Health-E will delete all data, except for data that Health-E must continue to store so that it can comply with its legal obligation.


Health-E may impose further restrictions or conditions on access to and use of certain parts or features of the Platform, such as but not limited to the creation of an account, the completion of a verification process, the fulfilment of specific quality or suitability criteria and the level of access to (personal) data.


The user shall ensure that all data of which Health-E indicates that it is necessary or of which the user should reasonably understand that it is necessary for access and/or use of the Platform is provided to Health-E.


Health-E is not liable for damage, of whatever nature, that has arisen because Health-E has relied on incorrect and/or incomplete data provided by the user.


The user has access to the information as published and displayed on the Platform. The user is at all times solely responsible for all data and information that he/she posts on the Platform or in the account. It is the user's responsibility to keep his/her data up-to-date and to do so can modify his/her data in his/her own account.

Article 4. Unlawful acts


In the event of (possible) criminal offences (such as theft or (sexual) harassment) and/or unlawful acts, Health-E is obliged to report this and to hand over the data provided by the user to the competent authorities, as well as to perform all actions that are requested of it in the context of the investigation.


In addition to the obligations under the law, damage caused by incompetence or failure to act in accordance with these Terms & Conditions is at the expense and risk of the user.


If and to the extent that there is an infringement of the rights of Health-E or third parties and/or unlawful acts by the user, Health-E is also entitled to delete the account or otherwise impose restrictions on the use of the account of the user in question, or of the Platform, such as restricting or disabling the placing of orders and reviews.


Health-E can terminate a user's account and/or remove infringing (harmful) information at any time, without giving reasons, immediately.

Article 5. Limitation of Liability

Health-E is in no way liable to the user for any reason whatsoever, unless mandatory law stipulates otherwise and this may not be deviated from or there is gross negligence or recklessness on the part of Health-E.

If and to the extent that Health-E is found to be liable, its liability is limited to the maximum amount paid out by the insurer.

User is responsible for all actions performed with the account, even if this action has taken place by means of unauthorized access.

All claims by the user for shortcomings on the part of Health-E will lapse if they have not been reported to Health-E in writing and with reasons within three months after the user was aware or could reasonably have been aware of the facts on which it bases its claims. In any case, the liability expires six months after the event giving rise to the damage.

Health-E is not liable for damage resulting from the use of the Health-E Platform in violation of terms and conditions or purposes other than those for which the Platform is intended.

Article 6. Intellectual property rights

The user is expressly prohibited from infringing the intellectual property rights of Health-E, as well as the good name of Health-E. All intellectual property rights and copyrights of Health-E, including the graphic designs, ideas and the like relating to the Platform, are exclusively vested in Health-E.

It is forbidden for anyone to copy and/or otherwise reproduce, disclose or modify the (content) of the Platform without the prior written consent of Health-E or the user to whom the data in question belong.

The (personal) data stored in the Platform are and remain the property of the person/user in question.

The (content of) the Platform may be protected by intellectual property rights and/or trademarks. Everyone is obliged to respect the technical security and other facilities of the Platform, as well as the intellectual property rights resting thereon.

Article 7. Complaints


If a user is not satisfied with the services provided by the healthcare provider, the user must contact the relevant healthcare provider. Health-E is not involved in the handling of such complaints.


Health-E does everything in its power to make and keep the platform available to the user. However, Health-E does not guarantee that the platform will operate without interruption or error-free. If the user has any complaints about the functioning of the Platform, they can contact them using the data displayed in the application.

Article 8. Mutual reporting obligation


If Health-E and you become aware of unauthorised use, access or processing of your personal data, you are obliged to immediately inform each other of the leak, its nature and extent.

Article 9. Alterations


Health-E is free to modify (parts of) the Platform, as well as the content of its services and Terms & Conditions. The amended Terms & Conditions will be published on the Platform and will enter into force on the next use. This is also considered acceptance of the (amended) Terms & Conditions. If the user does not agree with the content of the changes, the use of the service can be terminated immediately.

Article 10. Final provisions


The services provided by Health-E are governed by Dutch law.


Insofar as the rules of mandatory law do not prescribe otherwise, all disputes that arise as a result of the services of Health-E, the use of the Platform or these Terms & Conditions will be submitted to the competent Dutch court for the district of the District Court of Amsterdam, location Amsterdam.


If any provision of these Terms & Conditions turns out to be contrary to mandatory law, this does not affect the validity of other provisions. In that case, the parties will establish (a) new provision(s) as a replacement, which seeks to align as much as possible with the intention of the original provision of these Terms & Conditions.



Tel. +31 (0) 36 700 97 02

Wisselwerking 50

1112 XR Diemen

The Netherlands

